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Basketball Shooting Workout with Xabier Arriga


Drill 1. 3 finger drill (set it as a routine)

Standing next to the rim, using only three fingers of your dominate hand (thumb, index and

middle), make 3 without the ball touching the rim.

After making 3, take a step back, and now using the full hand, without using your weak

hand. Make 3 without touching the rim. The start of the motion from above the head.

After making 3, take a step back and use your weak hand just for help, the motion starts again from above your head. Make 3 without the ball touching the rim.

After making 3, take a step back and now use the full motion of the shot, make sure you don't jump. Make 3 without the ball touching the rim.

Finish by taking a step back, and making 10 baskets with a normal shooting motion.

Every time the 3 fingers have to be pointing at the rim, as those 3 fingers are the ones that

give direction to the shot.

2. Free throws drill

Shoot 10 free throws. Follow up with another 10 and try beat your first score.

Repeat until you score less than your previous go or until you hit 10/10

3. Ray Allen drill

The Ray Allen shooting drill is a great drill that you can use for a shooting warm up

or to end the workout in a fun, competitive manner. It can easily be adapted for

beginners and pros.

There are 5 lines. From each line, there are 5 spots. This is approximately the

distance on each shot:

Spot 1 - 4 Feet

Spot 2 - 8 Feet

Spot 3 - 12 Feet

Spot 4 - 16 Feet

Spot 5 - 20 Feet

You must make 5 consecutive shots from each spot to advance to the next line.

If you miss from any of the spots, you start over in that line. If you miss a shot in

line 3, you start over from line 3, don't go back to line 1.

Set a timer before starting and spend a maximum of 10 minutes on this drill . Don't worry if you don't complete the full drill.

4. Free throws

Same drill as before. Increase your focus, this should be more difficult as you are now tired.

5. Ray Allen Vol.2 drill (+1, -2)

Ray Allen is one of the best shooters to ever play in the NBA, so here is another drill with his name. For this drill you alternate shooting from each elbow.

Every made shot is 1 point and every missed shot is negative 2 points. If you make it to 10, you win, but if you go down to -10 then you lose. If you get to 10 really easy, start with a negative score instead of starting from 0. Do this drill 3 times

6. Free throws

We end the practice with an easy free throw drill. Shoot 20, and make 18.

If you make less than 18, do 5 push-ups for every missed free throw. If you feel like 18 is too much, set your own individual a goal before starting the drill

A big thanks to Xavier Arriaga for submitting this shooting workout. Xavier has 7 years experience playing professionally and is currently with Team 360 Financial Killorglin in the Irish Superleague.

Follow his Instagram page for more content

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